A Secret Holiday in London

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A Secret Holiday in LondonFor those that have already visited the important landmarks in London, going on a vacation here might not seem like such a good idea.

After all, once we’ve seen everything there is to see, at least according to the city map guide, what else is there to see and do? Well it turns out that, just like any other major city, London is where we can find secret places as well. Even though the places we’re about to talk about aren’t exactly secret, they are certainly not things that tourists would know about.

The Wilton’s Music Hall, located on Graces Alley in Ensign might not seem like a very hospitable place from the outside. The door looks very old, the paint is worn by time and all but gone, and the paint on the walls around it seems to be peeling off as well. A monument to old age and, some might say, neglect.

However, we shouldn’t get fooled by the façade.

The building is the oldest music hall in the world and it is still the place where concerts and other events are held. Since most of the secret places in London might seem hard to find, it’s a good idea to call for taxi transport services. If we’re arriving at the Gatwick, then we should know that there are companies that provide cheap Gatwick airport transfers as well as a car hire service for city tours and the like.

Who wouldn’t want to visit a pet cemetery after seeing or reading Stephen King’s Pet Semetery? Well, probably not many people. However, if we’re curious about one, we should know that we can find one in

Westminster: The Victorian Pet Cemetery in Hyde Park.

We can read all kinds of heartwarming messages that the owners wrote for their pets. If we’re looking for a more rural experience, visiting the Brixton Windmill might just do the trick. It’s located in the Blenheim Gardens and it has been open to the public since 2011.

If we want to feel closer to nature without leaving the city, then we should try sharing our lunch with the pelicans in St. James’s Park. While they are fed daily, one of them was known to enjoy more snacks, especially those found in the London Zoo in Regent’s Park.

However, if we are brave enough to leave this slide, we’ll find that the pelicans are quite tamed, and will occasionally join us on the bench. For the more elevated souls, a visit to the literary graves at Bunhill

Fields can prove interesting.

Taking the time to plan everything ahead is a great way to make sure that we’ll enjoy a wonderful vacation in London. What’s more important than purchasing the tickets to see certain shows and attend specific events is making sure that we’ll have reliable means of getting to them.

We can enjoy the services of a reliable and more than affordable airport transfer and taxi hire company by getting in touch with 365airporttransfers at www.365airporttransfers.com.

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