How we do on page SEO properly?


How we should properly do on page SEO ?

As you know already, seo world has changed dramatically after Google has released the famous Panda and Penguin algorithm updates. So everybody is still confused how to properly do on page and off page seo, nowadays.

In this article i will try to make you understand the real thing about on page seo after these two updates. In a future article will talk a bit about off page seo also, so stay focused on this blog.

Now that you have everything set up and ready to go, it’s time to add content ! What we are going to do is to publish one full post of approx. 1000 words long (high quality content) on the first page (home page) of our site.


The 2 main purposes of this post are :

• Provide content with a good “user experience”
• Optimize content with 100% technical SEO

Provide Content with a good “user experience”

Make sure your post provides a good “user experience” to your visitors. A good “user experience” is actually a term used by google itself to describe what a website should provide to visitors. Take the time to read the google guidelines about affiliate programs, so you will get a better picture of what google want and don’t want to see on a website.

Basically, a good user experience simply means that you need to provide original and quality content. And as long as you’ll provide such a content, you’ll be on the right path (for now and for the future, because google will always put quality sites on top of their results).

To write this post, a simple idea is to introduce yourself as a real person who used to have the same problem, and tried lots of different solutions (products), and then finally found a solution with one or two great products.

  • Don’t talk too much about your (affiliate) product on the home page, otherwise, it will certainly appear to be a bit suspect (not only for the reader but also to google).
  • Give the feeling that you are a real person, and that you know a lot about the problem  (because you’ve searched a lot about it), and that you’ve decided to build a blog to help other people to get rid of this problem.
  • Add a fake picture and a description of yourself
  • The home page will be the page that we are going to optimize the most for SEO, and make it rank. But of course, we need to build more content (SEO optimized) on different pages over time.

We’ll have to build more SEO optimized content on different pages over time, because :

  1.  it will show to Google that we have a complete website that talks about all the different aspects of our keyword., and that we are serious about providing value and original content.
  2. by creating more pages and more content, we can also create more keywords to target, especially long tail keywords. Long tail keywords have actually less competition and are easier to rank.
  3. Time for “thin” affiliate (one page site) is almost gone (for SEO purposes).

Optimize Content with 100% technical SEO

Before publishing our first post, we have to make sure that it will be SEO friendly. This is actually one of the most important part of the process to get attention from Google. As I said before, I use the plugin : Easywp Seo for this task : it gives me all the instructions and details in order to get a 100% SEO optimized post.

Basically this plugin will quickly tell you what has to be improved on your post in order to get a 100% SEO score. Also I like it because if you are stuck somewhere and don’t know what to do next, you will get a quick and “straight to the point” video coming with every single step.

You don’t necessary need this plugin, but it just makes things easier and quicker. Basically, the plugin is checking if :

  • your keyword appear in your title
  • you have h1, h2, h3 title containing your keyword
  • your title is not too short, or too long
  • your permalink contains your keyword
  • your description meta tags contains your keyword
  • you have your keyword in anchored text
  • you have at least one image with ALT tag containing your keyword

If you don’t want to buy this plugin, I guess you can still use the free SEO plugin in WordPress directory, called wordpress seo. Basically, I think it should do the same thing.

You will have to include an image inside your post, and I strongly advise you to buy it or to get a free copyright version, because google do not like duplicate content, and might penalize you for this


I use Fotolia to buy images (i’ve found out that they are less expensive than others and have a nice and big portfolio), or for truly free photos (you may find lots of good quality photos that will do the job). Other than these 2 sites, I don’t look around for more free photos anymore,
because i’ve found out that lots of sites that claims to provide free photos, finally try to charge you for

Final note :
• Make sure your post is “friendly” readable. Be careful about this. You have to find a mix between a 100% SEO technical post and a 100% readable post. For example, a keyword density between 1 and 2 % is way enough.
• Actually, if you don’t reach a 100% SEO score with easywp seo plugin, it’s not a big deal. Be aware that Google perfectly knows about these techniques, and could be suspicious with a “too much perfect” post. A good way to go, is to look for a very good SEO score (around 90-95%), and then be sure your post is easily and friendly readable by a real user.
• Also don’t focus on only one exclusive keyword, but add some other related keywords in your text. This will give google a good signal that you are talking about the right things.
• Then when you’re done, deactivate your SEO plugin (you don’t want that Google see that you’re using that kind of plugin).

Add a Contact Page

A “contact” page is a special page where people can contact you via a contact form. I simply use the free plugin si -contact-form to do so. Adding a “contact” page is important, not only for your visitors who want to send you a message, but also because it sends a good signal to Google (that you comply with standards).

Add Privacy and Disclosure Pages

You also have to add a “Privacy” and “Disclosure” page, as well as a “Who am I” (or “About us”), and a “Partner” page. This will tell Google (and also your visitors) that you are serious about building your site, and that you are respecting the official web standard.

For Privacy and Disclosure pages, simply browse the internet and you’ll find templates that you can re-use on your site.

Other Important Details

• List your site in your Google Webmaster tools (to let google know who the site’s author is, and also to be noticed if problems occurs, such as crawling errors, spam or malware reported, …)
• Use “No follow” links with your affiliate links (this is a recommendation from google). Here is how to specify a “no follow” links :
<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>affiliate product name</a>
• By the way, if you need a reliable and easy-to-use HTML editor, you may use Quackit (which is sometimes easier to use than the html wordpress editor itself)
• Change the structure of your permalinks (to make it more SEO friendly) . Go to settings >> permalinks >> specify “post name” in common settings
• Create a custom menu (because primary menu is not entirely customizable) Go to Appearance >> Menu >> Add menu (click on the “+” sign on top of the page) >> Add, delete pages, change everything you want (names, orders, submenus, …) >> click Save
• Fill in the plug in “All in One SEO”

  1. Settings >> All in One SEO
  2. Plugin Status : Enable
  3. Home Title : write a title containing your main keyword
  4. Home description : same thing
  5. Home keywords : write your main keyword + all related keywords

Also, every time you publish a new post or page, you repeat the same process in the All in One SEO Box below your post (or page) with your specific title / description and keywords for this post.
• Add an Autoresponder

It’s very important to add an autoresponder contact form on your site, so that you can grab your visitors emails and keep in touch with them (via a newsletter for example). A good way to motivate people to enter their email address is to give them a free gift (like a free guide in pdf format for example). There are different email services or plugins you may use for that :

  1. Most popular autoresponder : Aweber
  2. Other autoresponders : Mailchimp, Getresponse, …
  • Cool and useful plugins that attracts even more people : premium magnet plugin : nice and clean pop up box and  covert messenger : “messenger like” pop up box.

That is on page seo 2013 and maybe 2014 ideas of doing a well done job. In the future i will present the off page strategies that work pretty well right now.


Read more news about seo in 2013 below :

1. The One Thing Non-SEOs Need To Know About SEO
2. What It Takes To Create A Winning Mobile SEO Strategy: 5 Questions With Humana’s Mobile Manager
3. SEO Packages: Buyer Beware
4. Google+’s SEO Value, Facebook Page Posts, Gmail Promotions Tab
5. Debunking the Lies That SEO Agencies Tell

  1. An excellent post which I shall be distributing to my team as its ‘everything in one’. But I am concerned about taking meta keywords out of our pages to appease Google. We have a large site and it ranks well in other search engines such as Yahoo. How is their removal going to affect ranking on other search engines and what if Google change their minds about meta keywords? We will have to put them all back in! They are also very useful from an admin point of view for team members to quickly see what keywords have been addressed and they provide focus to their writing.

  2. I Have Been Working On SEO Since 2009. I need Do follow Off Page Data And Best Idea. I Have Completed My Site On Page. I Will Been Starting Off Page SEO After 15 Days. But I Have Not Proper Idea Off Page . Will concentrate now on Off Page SEO factors..

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