SEO is less complex than it sounds


SEO is less complex than it soundsThe field has been around since the earliest days of the internet, and the goal has always been the same  to rank as high on search engine results pages (SERPs) as possible.

The world of SEO and backlinking has changed significantly over the last several years. And as a result, most of the techniques that used to work are no longer effective today.

This article will help you focus your attention on only what works. You will learn how to quickly and easily achieve Page 1 rankings in any niche of your choice (assuming that you have done proper
keyword research).

The strategies you will encounter in this article are the same ones that I have used to score multiple page 1 rankings across a large variety of niches – regardless of the niche, age, or size of the site.


Why This Is Important?

If you begin to build links to your website without an understanding of link building, you wonʼt achieve any results or will likely trigger a penalty.

I donʼt want that for you. My strategy is certainly not gospel, but itʼs informed by years of experience, testing, failure, and learning.

By the end of this article, you will have a complete understanding and the confidence to know exactly what you need to do in order to easily achieve the rankings you desire.

I figured that you already know this, but now is a good time as any to reinforce the following mission-critical detail: SEO is based entirely on uncompetitive keywords.

Keyword research is by FAR the most important step in building successful niche websites. If you find a keyword that is easy enough to rank for, you wonʼt need to build as many links to your site – and you will be much more likely to rank at the top of Google.

The #1 mistake most beginners make is to think that backlinks are the most important part of SEO.
This is a common misconception due to the fact that backlinks are the most popular subject  surrounding SEO. But in reality, link building is a far second to the most important step. And that is of course… keyword research.

Proper keyword research can essentially guarantee your success and rankings. With excellent keyword research, you can even get away with not building a single backlink!

So before you start with building backlinks, itʼs crucial to have a good keyword in mind. This will cut out a majority of the work for you. The reason why keyword research is so important here is because
competitive keywords such as “how to lose weight” or “make money online” are dominated by top companies that can afford a $10-20k per month SEO budget.

Unless you have a large budget, avoid the competition and tackle long tail keywords that no one else is targeting. There is so much money to be made with “untapped” keywords that you donʼt even have to deal with the competition.

So make sure you understand keyword research, then use this info to easily rank any low to moderate keywords.

The Principles of Link Building

Before we get into the exact strategy, we need to get into some of the theory behind SEO. If you are already an experienced SEO, you have permission to skip ahead… however, if youʼre a beginner, itʼs important to have an understanding of why we do what we do.

As I mentioned in the last chapter, backlinks are the second most important part of SEO (behind keyword research). But first, what is a backlink?

Backlinks are basically links on other sites that point to your domain. Google decides which websites will show up on the top of their search results depending on which websites get the most backlinks
(backlinks are counted similarly to as “vote” of endorsement).

The problem is that marketers began to take advantage of this by creating massive amounts of spam links to their sites to exploit this loophole. Eventually, Google decided that they would only count votes from trustworthy websites.

So What Exactly Does Google Look For?

Googleʼs algorithm has become much smarter and refined over the years. But what Google looks for, and will always look for is: naturalness In order to accomplish this we need:

1. Link Diversity
2. Link Velocity (Consistency)
3. Natural Anchor Texts

Link Diversity
In order to be seen as non-manipulative, your backlinks need to be as diverse and natural as possible.
If every single one of your links came from a certain forum with the same anchor text, then you would be seen as very manipulative in the eyes of the search engines. This means, a site with just one type of link (like blog comments) looks a lot more suspicious of trying to “game the system” than a site with a lot of variety of links (like blog comments, forum signature links, guest posting links, links from other real sites, etc).

The more diverse your link profile, the more natural it looks. We want our sites to look like they are being “talked about” by other real people on the internet. If our site were growing naturally, we
would have links coming from all types of different sources.

Link Velocity (Consistency)
Link Velocity is the term used to describe the speed at which you build links. The rate at which you build your links is an important factor to coming off as looking natural. Many marketers tackle SEO in a very barbaric way – attacking sites with a huge influx of backlinks all at once.

What we will be doing instead is building links in a more natural fashion. If you suddenly have 100 links pointing to your site in 1 day as opposed to over the course of a month, it raises some flags with


Another example, if your site had zero links one month, then a couple thousand the next, it would be seen as unnatural. Thereʼs no exact number you should build each day or each month, but think of it this way: If I built 50 links one month, then 100 the next, it wouldnʼt be seen as unnatural if I kept at the pace.

But if after that month I built little to no links, it wouldnʼt be natural. Keep a manageable, steady pace and improve upon it each month. Of course there is the possibility of your site going viral overnight and
thus gaining 100 in one day… but itʼs better to play it safe and build links consistently than to draw any unwanted, unnatural attention.

Natural Anchor Text
This subject is so important (particularly because all the latest Google penalties surround anchor text optimization) the next chapter is dedicated entirely to anchor text optimization… Yes, itʼs that important!

You have now all the data to start a good seo backlink campaign. Follow our blog ’cause in future articles will try to write more comprehensive articles on each ot this chapters.

1 comment
  1. Really fantastic post Bradudan,

    You have cleared all the mis perception of SEO guys.


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